Wednesday, 15 June 2011

CVS 6/15 Value $19.48 - Paid $2.09

Fairly simple week at CVS for us, we had $12.99 ECB to use
1 Zyrtec $5.99 - $2 off coupon - Prints $5.99 ECB for next week
1 Schick Razor - $8.00 - $3 off coupon - Prints $4 ECB for next week
1 CVS tussin - not on offer but we needed it!!

Before coupons = $19.48
After coupons = $14.48
After ECBs = $1.49 + tax = $2.09
The above deals also printed out $9.99 ECB that we will use on next weeks deals.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Buddy, just wanted to say "welcome back"! I also wanted to thank you for your blog. Over the last month or so I've really "caught" on to couponing and it's done wonders for the family budget. My wife can hardly believe some of the deals I come back home with. The drugstores are a fantastic place to pick up free essentials - and you helped teach me that. We're also getting better with couponing at the grocery stores.

    I picked up several free (and very cheap) razors over the past few weeks, and I'm getting good at rolling my ECBs over each week into new items.

    Thanks again!

