Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Savings so far this year!

So far in 2011 here are my totals and savings.

Total before coupons - $193.07
Paid out of my pocket - $ 59.16
Savings - $133.91 (69.36%)

Total before coupons - $79.41
Paid out of my pocket - $25.72
Savings - $53.69 (67.61%)

I am spending maybe an hour or two a week doing this.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. OMG!!!! This is so neat!
    Just came across one of your posts at SouthernSavers. I copied your post and e-mailed it to my husband with the subject: Coupons Under Testosterone! ... ;-)

    My husband loves couponing too, although I'm the one who does all the research, organizes all the coupons and plans the shopping lists.

    How long have you been doing this? I only found posts from March and April but gosh! you are shopping like a pro!

    CONGRATS! :-)

  3. Hi! It's me again!

    Thanks for the comments on "This Nerd Thing"...
    Sending you my spread sheet via e-mail, in case you want to give it a try!

    Keep the savings coming! ;-)
