Tuesday, 22 March 2011

CVS Sunday 3/20

How does CVS work?

CVS runs a loyalty scheme whereby certain products every week print Extra Care Bucks = ECB.
ECB is basically cash that is printed at the bottom of your receipt that can be used on other purchases in CVS.

When I first started doing this 'couponing' game, I had to spend quite a bit out of pocket - around of $20 and I got $15 back to spend on future purchases.

So Week 1 I spent $20 out of my own pocket, but got $15 back in ECB to use next week.
In Week 2 I used the $15ECB from week 1 to buy items that gave me another $15 ECB.
In Week3 I used the $15 ECB from week 2 to buy items that gave me $15 back, and so on and so forth!!

So here is how I did at CVS this past Sunday.

Zantac Antacid 24ct - $8.99 ( $3 ECB printed for use next week)
Allegra Allergy relief 5ct - $6.99 ($6.99 ECB printed for use next week)
(2) Crest Pro Health Gum Protect - $6.98 (3.49 each) (2x 2.49 ECBprinted for use next week)

I paid 53c!(which is for the tax)

Ok so how did I do that?
I had a $5 off coupon for the Zantac which brought the price down to $3.99
I had a $2 off coupon for the Allegra which brought it down to $4.99
And I had (2) $1 off coupon for crest toothpaste

This brings the subtotal to $13.96.
I'm not finished yet.......

I had ECB from last week for $14 to pay for everything, and then because all the products I bought on Sunday printed ECB I got it all back - $14.97 printed ECB which I will then use next week to buy stuff.

Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Savings so far this year!

So far in 2011 here are my totals and savings.

Total before coupons - $193.07
Paid out of my pocket - $ 59.16
Savings - $133.91 (69.36%)

Total before coupons - $79.41
Paid out of my pocket - $25.72
Savings - $53.69 (67.61%)

I am spending maybe an hour or two a week doing this.

Walgreens 3/16

Pretty good week at Walgreens.
These are the following deals I took advantage of.
$2.99 - Herbel Essences - $1 RR wyb 1 - BOGOF coupon and $1 off 1 Herbal essences item
$2.99 - Clearasil - $2 wyb 1 - $1 off coupon
$4.99 - Dial - $3 wyb 1 - $1 off coupon
3 filler items - 29c Russel Stover Chocolates
3 Walgreens Register Rewards - $3, $3 and $2 ($8 RR)

Full price before coupons - $14.63
Total out of my pocket $1.74
Amount Saved - $12.89 or 88.1%

And I got $6 back to spend on future purchases.

About me!

In a strange role reversal, I (the man of the house) am the couponer.

Probably because my wife is busier than I am, even though she is a stay at home mom, she has a lot on her plate!!

My main savings are at CVS + Walgreens and Publix.

www.southernsavers.com is the absolute best resource for couponing.